Thursday, November 1, 2007

Good To Go

All the missing links for our dossier were delivered to Andrea on Wednesday! Once they are apostilled and translated our dossier can finally go to the Consulate of Kazakhstan in New York!

In addition to the DSS letter and social worker’s license, Frank and I took the opportunity to get updated medical reports while we were waiting, and sent her those as well. This was our third doctor visit in just six months -- just to prove that we’re okay. (The first one was for the home study, the second one was for the dossier and the third one was because the second one was going to 'expire' during our process.) Kind of frustrating.

Between that, getting our Hepatitis booster shots and hearing rumblings of potential future changes in Kazakhstan's adoption laws that might affect our time frame, I have to admit...I'm having a moment. It is a this is ridiculous moment. But when the Kaz government says “Jump!” we have to say “How high? What would you like us to jump off of? Where would you like us to land? Shall we add a flip? Should we say ‘ta-da’ when we’re done? Would you like fries and a notary stamp with that?”

Sorry to whine, but I guess I'm feeling a little like a circus animal today. Not so much like a powerful, roaring lion jumping through fiery hoops, but more like an organ grinder monkey. Hold out a coin I will do tricks, tip my hat, take the coin from your hand and dash away in my little red and gold vest. Only the coin isn’t really a coin; it’s a tiny little human being who needs a family.

Blech! (shaking head)

Okay, enough of my whining and monkey talk! Time to put on my big girl panties and deal with it. Sending that FedEx meant that we are one step closer to meeting our baby! Yes, our sweet little being who is just waiting to be scooped up by our loving arms and carried into a joyful new life. A life where someone sings you to sleep and kisses you awake. A life where unconditional love and laughter abounds. A life where you glue sequins and googly eyes onto a paper plate fish, and it's beheld as the most precious piece of artwork in the world.

Okay, I have to tell you something I did last weekend that I thought I would never do. I was straightening up the baby’s room while Frank was out (trying to keep it from re-becoming the junk room!) I noticed the gift set of baby wash and baby lotion that Rosie recently gave us. It was sitting there on the changing table, looking lonely. I slowly opened up the lotion, rubbed a little on the back of my hand and breathed in its soft, sweet scent. Then I gazed around the still, quiet room … and cried just a little.

I know. Totally cliché.

What’s happening to me? Was this some kind of inevitable rite of passage? Am I going to start watching Lifetime channel movies on purpose?


marsrob said...

I know what you mean about feeling like a circus animal...we talk often about the feeling of jumping through times, the hoops have seemed endless. But, getting your dossier in to Andrea and ready for translation is BIG! One of the biggest hoops! Very exciting! Congrats on getting that done!!!
And I know what you mean about shedding a few tears while sitting in the nursery. It is a very complex experience, getting ready for baby, knowing you have to wait, saving a special space/room & being in there. It is like no other experience in the world.

Angela said...

All I can say is I can totally relate to all of this, except standing in the nursery because we don't have the crib set up yet. This morning I was thinking "What else do we have to do?" But, I guess worrying about the future is absolutely pointless. It wil be what it is. This is a difficult process. But, great news on your paperwork!

Amy said...

Big girl is amazing how similar the experiences/feelings are that we are all going through. I am going for a six year old and I keep finding myself picking up the baby doll I bought for her (still in its box) and sniffing it. They make the baby dolls all smell like baby powder. So, I totally can relate. The doll says Mama and makes laughing noises when you push its hand and I think I am going to have to replace the batteries at least once before my little girl gets here so it still works.

Amy - another organ grinder monkey in Illinois

AJ said...

I admit, I did the same thing with baby lotion while waiting for that LOI :).

Matthew Ruley said...

I put on another blog comment earlier this week that we should create the Kaz baby game.

Instructions: Roll dice. Move your dossier. Pick up corresponding card to the spot you landed on. It says "Medical form expires in 15 days. Go back to doctor. Pay $150 for aposilles and overnight mail. Do not pass "travel" do not collect baby.

The ultimate though will be when your get your little bundle. it will be so worth it. You won't just be smelling your hand! You'll be smelling love.