Friday, April 25, 2008

Dear Friends

Enough of all this talk about camels and straws.

It’s going to take a more than a bad day and a few dollars to keep us from our child.

We are united. We are excited. We are warriors. Team Ruopoli is unstoppable. There is renewed strength, perspective and commitment to this journey to our child – however bumpy the ride. The thunderstorm has passed, and there is laughter and light in our home and hearts again.

The last blog entry was the only one I’ve ever posted while in the throes of anger and frustration. I had second thoughts about venting so openly, but in hindsight I’m glad I did. It paints a clear picture of what this journey can be like for some parents. This is reality. This is the hard part. And even the most reputable adoption agencies out there may do things that you don’t agree with. I personally would have made a different business decision if I owned the agency, but we can only move forward, believing that our agency’s reputation and track record for getting our child home with as few glitches as possible will tower over anything that frustrates us. Kaz is a tricky country to navigate for any agency, especially in this ever-changing international adoption climate. I certainly couldn't work in this emotionally charged industry every day, but I’m thankful for those who do.

I’m mostly glad I shared these intense moments because we have been so moved by the enormously overwhelming outpouring of support and encouragement. It has been absolutely incredible! Thanks a bazillion times over for the wise words, heartfelt pleas, and the belief in us. You guys are amazing. Amazing! I don’t know what we’d do without you cheering behind us and giving us a swift kick in the pants.

So onward and upward…a child awaits. And we've got an LOI to fret over.

With lots of love and deepest appreciation,
Frank, Regina and Habibi

P.S. And thanks for the kind offers of bake sales and auctions. We are fine, really. Thank goodness for our home equity and our commitment to being debt-free before we dove into this. But if we had to sell lemonade on the corner during every spare moment while wearing a bikini, then that’s what Frank would do.


Kaz Blog Reader said...

Yay!!!! I didn't post a comment yesterday, but we were thinking about you...and about the situation in general. What a roller coaster this experience is! Everything will work out, and we send you best wishes!
Lisa and Corey

Kaz Blog Reader said...

I was so glad to see your post that you are moving forward. You will not regret it! I am still at the beginning of this long and bumpy road but having travelled it once before I know that the pot of gold at the end is worth all the anguish. Good luck to both of you. I can't wait to read about you finding your child!


Kaz Blog Reader said...

Yippee!!! The best news I've read all day! Good for you! I'm looking forward to continuing to follow your journey.


Sandi said...

Regina and Frank,
This is wonderful wonderful news. I am thrilled with your decision and have been stalking your blog all day to see if you had come to a decision.

I know that this process is not easy, but just keep reminding yourselves at the end of this long and winding road is your child.


Jennifer said...

LOL! You crack me up! Love the camel, bikini, lemonade... yeah. Too funny!

You are definitely quite the inspirational and motivational speaker.

I'm so glad you're "back on the bus." I don't know what I was going to do if you weren't. I was thinking a quick trip down south with Gigi in tow was going to be in order.

Wonderful news!! Very happy for both of you!

Anonymous said...

I think I saw that camel at Naurez. Seriously, if you want photos to prove it I will send them ;-)

Glad you're back on board. You are allowed your vents because this is a crazy process, but it will be so worth it.

Love ya,

Stephanie and Gary said...

Yayy!! You have renewed my own faith too! that's my girl! I like your vim and vigor. What you posted yesterday was authentic. Never doubt posting it for a minute -- it helped you out and will no doubt help countless others on their journey to know they are now alone in the feelings of uncertainty that may emerge from this journey.
Picture 4 colorful characters with very large shoes singing with a bus driver and waving you to join them. you are on the bus girl! Keep going!!! Thank you for paving the way for all of us still lagging behind.

Alysa said...

I can't wait to see the pictures of Frank in a bikini at the lemonade stand! Too funny!

Many of us seem to be going through a similar crisis after the fee hikes, delays, etc. We know just how you feel.

I too have been stalking your blog today to see where you were landing. You could feel your anguish in yesterday's post (and I applaud your honesty in posting it) and we were all pulling for you -- whichever side of the fence was the right one.

That being said, HOORAY!! I'm so glad you are now back to fretting over that LOI! That little him or her is waiting for your love.

Kaz Blog Reader said...

Great news! Glad you vented publicly, too, because it really was an example of what this whole process is like - the ups and the downs. By sharing, you are helping many others and get the support in return.

Patrick & Eileen said...

Deep sigh....whew! I so wanted it to go like this for you! I didn't want you to think that I wrote my posting on our blog after seeing your *straw that broke the camel's back* message. I hadn't known that you wrote that. But you made me question and think about why I was so calm - thanks for that. Made me realize what pushed me forward.

Now....I really want to see a picture of Frank in a bikini holding a glass of lemonade! Don't tell Pat I said that :)


marsrob said...

YAY! Glad to hear you are deciding to press on. And you are so right about the agency stuff. And you two are amazing. That was a pretty fast turn-around in terms of perspective. Impressive. It used to take me sometimes weeks at a time to shift back into gear. How on earth did you manage one 24 hour turn around? Bottle it and sell it, please? I'll be the first in line!


dnd82001 said...

I am so glad to hear this great news!!

This journey has many bumps and potholes, ups & downs & this time it was just a little steeper then we'd like but in the end it will be a journey of a lifetime with no regrets!!


Susan said...

yay! I knew that you would round the slump and come back out swinging. It takes more than striking out once to get the Rudopoli's down. Next time up at bat, bases loaded, GRAND SLAM BABY! Don't you love my baseball reference? We have Sean's game in a bit so I'm all about baseball right now. Yup, I'm the mom that screams for each kid and makes up rhymes...MATT MATT SWING THAT BAT!!!

Brad Brad you're so rad!

Anyhey-so glad you're BACK. We all have moments of dire frustration and wondering if we can do it. I could tell you wrote that in the throes of anger and ultimate frustration.
You should have seen me cry like a big blubbering baby last week after I read the email about the age thing-my dog was scared.

But Now i'm happy again, reserved, cautious, not sure if I can exhale fully, but happy. :)

Now that you're happy again-and united...I'm SUPER THRILLED

Regina and Frank-we need your smile
It will make the wait to Habibi worthwhile

The pain and agony will not be in vain
When you're hugging Habibi on the airplane!

Happy you're happy-

Thad and Ann said...

LOL on the lemonade & bikini wearin' Frank, too funny!! :)

I'm SO glad you guys are pressing on, you will never regret it. Can't wait to hear when you travel! :)

Teresa said...

To all of "you bloggers" out there that have never met Frank & Regina, they are truely amazaing folks. I am their social worker & everything you see/read on their blog is REAL. They are eternal optomists and have hearts of gold! I am absolutely delighted they have decided to press onward!! We all have a right to feel down when things are not smooth sailing & it is sooo important to vent -- F & R - - that's what friends are for - to listen & be supportive. There will be trying days ahead in parenting, yes, there will be proud & happy moments: pre-school Christmas pagents, birthday parties, smiley faces on school papers, hitting the ball the first time at t-ball games, prom pictures (I did this last night), graduations, etc & other happy events, but remember there will always be times of frustrations: lost library books, giant school projects - due tomorrow, rolling eyes at your rules, and fender benders on the car (yes, I have teenagers), but friends are what keep you going and the human race continuing as it has for thousands of years, Regina and Frank, enjoy your local support system of friends, family, co-workers, and bloggers, thanks for being there for Frank and Regina! They needed your kindness and words of wisdom.

Now F & R -- pack those bags and keep the happy faces on, but remember you are human and it is ok for express yourself - - but Frank, no lemonade on the corner in a bikini - - I drive past Orange Grove Road everyday!!! & you would be in competion with the firefighters out there collecting for their charity! ;)

Catalina said...

Congratulations and good for you guys, I did not expect anything else. It is hard, and its not over yet, more obstacles might come but everything will be OK. Don`t get discouraged! You will do it! And one year from now, hopefully earlier we will all smile :).

Kelly and Sne said...

Good for you! Just like the camel in the photo - look adversity in the face and spit at it! This is a great forum to vent - besides the therapeutic aspect, you're talking to a bunch of people who understand what you are going through and can offer you real support.

I feel much better this weekend too. I was able to work out one of our paperwork hassles anyway. And besides, May starts next week (remember, we'll be traveling "sometime in May") so it is starting to seem more real again.

Time for some GOOD news now - bring on the LOI!

Amy said...

I am so glad you guys are back on board. I am also quite impressed with the quick perspective gain that you had overnight, but not surprised. You are both amazing, optimistic and wonderful people that I am blessed to call friends, and you make the world a better place to live in. Haibibi doesn't know how lucky he/she is to be getting you both as parents. I am also proud of you Regina, for showing your true feelings even when they are not positive. Your friends know and love you unconditionally and will support you in good times and in bad. That is what friends are for. I love you to the moon and can't wait to hear that the damn LOI is in your hands!

Our Family of Bloggers said...

Go Team Ruopoli!!! And please keep us posted on the lemonade sale- I'd fly there to see that one!
Glad you guys are smiles again....
Habibi is waiting, and you're almost on your way to bring him/her home!

Anonymous said...

We are behind you "Team Ruopoli"!

Melt downs are a part of the process. I know I've had a few.

Sending powerful good vibes your way!


Diana and Bob

Angela said...

This IS a crazy experience! It seems to get crazier by the day. I appreciate your honesty and am so glad that you have decided to stay the course.

Soon . . . all of this will be a distant memory . . . I'm sure of it!

Chrissy and Russell said...

Oh, you guys just made my day! Thanks for giving the rest of us PAP's a reminder about the power of optimism! (Especially those of us who are too chicken to post such brave and honest stuff on OUR blogs - I haven't updated my blog in over 3 weeks because I'm operating under the "if I don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all" mantra right now! :^)

Amy said...

Yeah for you!!! And if it comes down to Frank in a bikini let me know and I will come and buy some serious lemonade.....hubba hubba. Okay seriously though I never doubted you guys for a minute. It will end at some point - it will not continue forever guys.