Saturday, July 5, 2008

We're Off to See the Wizard

...the wonderful wizard of Kaz!

Well, we HOPE he is a wonderful wizard.

We leave today for trip number two, where at our court hearing on July 14, a judge (aka wizard) will determine if we can in fact become Milo’s legal parents. Court Day is a little unnerving because there are no guarantees the judge will approve our adoption. Chances are he will, but we can’t get too comfortable.

Overall, we certainly feel much more relaxed this time. It makes a big difference knowing who you are going for (and being madly in love with him) in addition to being familiar with the logistics. We don’t think there will be any more bad surprises, so I hope we are able to take it easy and embrace the experience more fully this trip. During trip one, we were often in shock/survival mode because of our initial uncertainties plus the trauma of all the sudden law changes. The stress took its toll and, with the exception of the time we spent with Milo, we were seldom our usual, gregarious selves or in the right frame of mind to soak in the culture and do things like shop for souvenirs. Aqtobe is not exactly Emerald City, but it has it's good parts and we want to get to know it better so we can tell our son all about it one day.

I cannot express how eager we are to see our darling Milo again. We’ve missed him terribly. We are very curious to see how he will react to us. He will probably remember us at least a little bit, but we have been warned by other adoptive parents that he may actually be mad at us for leaving him. (!) It would be nice if he just reached out with happy recognition in his eyes, open arms and that big, goofy grin. But we are emotionally prepared to start from scratch.

He has been on our minds every minute of every day for the last 5 weeks. The time has crept by in some ways, but flown by in others. We’ve stayed extremely busy, which has helped pass the time. We even threw ourselves a 40th birthday party Thursday night. It was great fun, although the next morning I realized that I hardly had more than a 3 minute conversation with any one person. I felt so bad, but realized it was good practice for how it’s going to be for a long time once we get our boy home.

So here goes round two. Thank you for following along on our little journey, and for all the well-wishes for a safe and successful trip. We hope to blog every day this time, so stay tuned for more crazy adventures. (But not too crazy I hope.)

Hold on, little munchkin. Our yellow brick road may be full of potholes, detours and flying monkeys, but if it leads to you then we will continue to follow it -- brick by tarnished brick!


Important Things


Alysa said...

Follow the yellow brick road, follow the yellow brick road! Wishing you smooth travels on your return trip to Milo and that the wizard grants your every wish! Hopefully I will see you in Aqtobe!

All the best,

Sam said...

OOOHHH this is so exciting! I can't wait until you guys get there and get back and get there again and then you will get to bring him back. see when you look at it like that....not so long (ya right!) congrats on the court date

Patrick & Eileen said...

Hi Guys,
I've been thinking of you and waiting for this latest update. I'm so glad that you're on your way!!

Happy 40th to both of you :)

Safe travels,
Eileen & Pat

Susan said...

I'm glad you threw yourselves a party...that is a great send off for you. Although Milo may be "mad" at you (or not understanding why these wonderful people left him) after viewing the pictures and video, I think he will embrace you quickly. It's just so obvious how much he loved you guys and you him-it was such a "perfect match"!!! I am sure it's more relaxing this trip as well. As we prepare for trip one, the unknown is certainly the scariest part. But, we'll get thru it and God willing, will be matched with a child that is also perfect for us. :)

I have so loved following your journey and I am glad you are so relaxed and can go into this second trip with "eyes wide open" and relaxed. I hope that court is easy and successful, as it should be, after all that you have been thru!

big prayers for you and warm thoughts for your new family forming. :)

Love ya! mean it!

dnd82001 said...

Wishing nothing but a smooth journey on your yellow brick road which brings you to the end and your precious little boy!

Safe travels & it's comforting to know the 2nd trip isn't quite as stressful as the first and you are planning to relax and enjoy.

Good wishes and sent your way and keep us updated!!


Amy said...

Loved seeing you guys Thursday and Friday, although I know we didn't have too much of a chance to talk in all the craziness. It was still great being with your lovely selves! I hope this journey is full of light-hearted glee and everything goes without a hitch. We are sending all our love to the three of you and can't wait for the celebration when you bring Milo home for good...where he belongs. I love you and can't wait to hear how things are going, so hurry up and post! :)

Teresa said...

Just having the positive attitude that both of you have will make the second trip so much more enjoyable. Keep smiling and focused on the "prize" at the end of the game - -he will be worth it!! God bless you on your travels & I anxiously await (like everyone else) "The Roupoli Adventures of Kaz-ville" updates!!!

Our Family of Bloggers said...

Safe travels, you two!! You are so right, your yellow brick road has been full of lots of potholes and other yucky stuff, but one day in the near future, Milo will agree with you that there is NO PLACE LIKE HOME! Enjoy your time with your little boy, lots of luck at court, and enjoy your time in Aktobe.
Lots of love----

Kaz Blog Reader said...

I forgot to say goodbye before you left! Have a safe trip! I will be thinking of all of you. Wishing you all the best,


Amy said...

Have a great trip #2 Regina and Frank. Remember rolling with the punches is just a natural part of international adoption. Keep telling yourself that there will be an end to all this uncertainty and you will have your normal lives back again where you are in control soon.

Amy said...

Hi guys...I meant to mention one other thing which is that for me Karina seemed to have not rememberd me as much as I thought she would....which was upsetting....I think she remembered that there was someone that came and played with her and that everyone called her Mama but I don't think she remembered me physically, my face (even though I left a ton of pictures)and so she was a bit shell shocked in seeing me.

Angela said...

Glad to see that you are on your way! May the wizard be kind, generous and quick with his affirmative (Yes, you are Milo's parents) verdict!

marsrob said...

I'm a little late in writing this, but happy belated 40th to you both! And, by now you are probably there or close to being there, so I hope your travels went smoothly! We are so praying that things go well for you guys on this trip! That little Milo is a doll and deserves to come home with his family forever! With love!

Jennifer said...

Oh my gosh- we've been on vacation and have so much to catch up on! Here goes!

I'm so excited for you! I imagine preparing for trip 2 is so much easier than trip 1. The benefits of the multi trip option.