Friday, September 7, 2007

The Name Game

Please cast your votes in our new baby name polls! They are in the right margin of this page.

We feel that a uniquely beautiful name is a lifelong gift you can give your child. We've narrowed it down to a few top runners, but please tell us what you think by voting for your 5 favorites for each gender.

We also welcome other suggestions. Feel free to share them with us by adding them as a comment on this post.

Just for fun, here are some of the duds that didn't make the cut:

- Bootsy
- Nipsy
- Onions
- Tron
- Tootie
- SuperDoppler5000
- Mr. Higgins
- Gaylord
- Chimenea
- Kokopelli
- Chachi
- Anorexia

Maybe next time we'll go with Nipsy Tron or Tootie Chimenea.

Check out this neat baby name site:
I like to browse the top 1,000 list of names from the 1800's (on the bottom right). They had some pretty funky-fresh monikers for a bunch of pioneers!


Anonymous said...

Regina & Frank,

I'm sooooo excited for you both!!! (Ask Frank - I walk around the office clapping my hands and chanting "Baby!Baby!Baby!") Beautiful names - my faves are Sophia Isabella and Django Milan.

I warned Frank yesterday about "Milo" - growing up we had a drink called "Milo". Similar to Ovaltine, it came in a green tin, and it's tagline was "Milo- the food drink of champions" :))) You can check it out at

My best wishes for you both as you continue on your very special journey.


P.S. Regina you write beautifully!

Jeannine said...

Regina & Frank-- It doesn't look like you need any more names to choose from, but my nephew has a name that is similar to a couple you are considering-- he is Ronan. Good luck on your journey!

Alison said...

I was reading your list of names. Here are a few of the really unique names I have come across at my kid's school.

Ishanti (love this)

Just a couple of ideas.

Anonymous said...

You guys crack me up. No doubt your kid will be laughing as much as you do.

Anonymous said...

Hey Sis,
Here are some of my favorite names
Jewel/ for a girl
Summer/ for a girl
Ivy/ for a girl
Star/ for a girl
Ariel/Arielle for a girl
Payton/Peyton for a boy
Kaiden/Kaden/Kayden for a boy
Wyatt/ for a boy
Thorne/ for a boy
Gideon/ for a boy
Of course Sonia is good too!!

Anonymous said...

My naming tip of the day is to please remember when naming your child, that if you spell it weird (like Jewelee instead of Julie) they will spend their whole lives telling people how to pronouce and spell their name.


Regina said...

I wanted to capture my parents' suggestions here. (They don't have a computer.)



Thanks mom and dad!

Anonymous said...

Just had a few more names to add to the mix:

Edie (short for Edith and a good friend of mine)


Love you guys! Know you're getting excited for Italy.

makandaddie said...

Ok...not so sure you will find this months later, but here are my comments on the beautiful names you have on your list! I have 2 kids in child care, and I can tell you that the names Sophia, Ava and Isabella are POPULAR!! Sophia being the most...I think out of 8 girls in my daughters room, 3 of them are Sophie or Sophia, and one is Ava. Speaking of my daughter, her name is Addison...named so before the show Grey's Anatomy became oh so popular. Unfortunatly, I think this is going to become a very popular girls name, however, as you are probably aware, it is traditionaly a boys name, and I think it's great! Our son is adopted from Kaz (Fall of 2005, Kostanai) and although we went prepared with "our" boy names, we decided to keep the name he was given, Maksim. What an exciting time for you!!

Unknown said...

Hi. I just came across your blog. (when bored i google "letter of invitation kazakhstan" to find kaz adoption blogs cause i am weird like that)

We adopted from Kaz in March 2007. It was important to us to not only choose a name that would not result in our son being in class with 5 other kids with the same name, but to also reflect his heritage. We decided on Dmitrii and we kept his name given at the baby house for a middle name. So, now he has a very Russian/Kaz first and middle name with a very American/English last name.

I noticed that you have Roman on your list of boy names. The name Roma is actually a fairly common name in Kaz but would be unique here. Just thought I would throw that option out there for you.

Congrats on the progress with your adoption. Hope you travel soon.