Friday, November 2, 2007


Today I am feeling more like a lion again. I am ready to gallantly leap through any fiery hoops that need to be jumped through. Bring it on. (Ok, really don’t bring it on. But I’m ready if you do!)

I just thought I’d let everyone know that I am past the monkey moment. And that I have nothing against monkeys. In fact, I like monkeys a whole lot. But they shouldn’t be made to wear little vests and collect coins. It’s downright undignified. ;-)

On another note, I want to share with everyone that November is National Adoption Awareness Month, and November 17 in particular is National Adoption Day!

Many people have expressed to us an interest in adoption since we started our journey. There are many options domestically and internationally, and I encourage anyone even remotely intrigued to explore them. And we are more than happy to answer any questions, now or in the future.

We have zero regrets about choosing this path to start our family. The ups have far outweighed any downs, and I expect this to continue as we enter the next phases. We still feel wholeheartedly that this path is right for us, and I just know that the end result will be more than worth a few “labor pains.”

I also encourage everyone to check the NPR series on Adoption in America that was recently aired. It includes many interviews with adult adoptees. Fascinating stuff.

Peace, love and light to you, and to the 143 million orphans around the world who need forever families...


marsrob said...

I'm with you on that - since our adoption process has picked up, we have never been more excited and the joy is amazing - even when it is stressful!

Sandi said...

What a great post. I agree with you wholeheartdly. Their are so many children in need of a forever family.

The excitment is growing as the days are nearing.


Angela said...

I am truly inspired! And, I loved that adoption series on NPR. It calmed any fears I had about being an adoptive mom.