Thursday, September 27, 2007

Impressive Video

(P.S. Oops, this link is no longer valid. Here's another version, but it cuts off the first half:

If that goes away too, just Google Anita Renfro Total Momsense. This is her version of the William Tell Overture, with the lyrics being everything a mother would say to her child during an entire day. Funny stuff.)


Angela said...

This could not be truer . . . and Luca is only 4! I can't imagine what it will be like when we have 2 and they are older. Ah! Motherhood!

marsrob said...

I know you are away this week...but I miss your blog entries - it is always such fun to see what you are up to and to hear about your adventures! Hope you are having a great week. Totally thinking of you!!!

- Jennifer