Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Franksgiving

In our house, Thanksgiving is known as "Franksgiving." It's a decree made years ago by my very silly husband, Frank.

Everyone always asks him just what he is actually giving for Franksgiving. His wacky answers vary from year to year, but I can tell you that he always gives us laughter, which is a gift most precious.

I love this time of year. But if there’s one thing I miss about my hometown of Indianapolis (besides my family) it’s having a real fall.

The temperature here will reach 78 degrees today. The morning glories trailing along our fence are still greeting us with their violet trumpets every day. A few pink Camellias are valiantly blooming, and the squirrels are still scampering around like mischievous little rascals. I shouldn't complain, but today I could sure use some vibrant, fiery fall foliage and the smell of a burning hearth!

But whether or not it feels like Thanksgiving, ‘tis the season for counting blessings. :-)

Here is the short list of things for which I am grateful.

- My precious health
- My wonderful husband
- My loving family
- My fantastic friends
- My amazing bandmates
- My treasured job
- My terrific co-workers
- The supportive adoption community
- My house, car, clothes, computer and all the trinkets that make my life more comfortable and enjoyable
- Art, music, literature and the splendor of the natural world

I feel so blessed and fortunate. Dare I hope for one more tiny little (big) thing to be thankful for next year???

May the beauty and the blessings of Thanksgiving
bring warmth to your home, and peace to your heart!

Dear Habibi,

Guess what? Chicken butt.
No, seriously...guess what?? Chicken butt!
Ok, really this time....guess what??? CHICKEN BUTT!!!

I used to play this silly game with my nieces and nephews all the time. I so look forward to playing it with you!


Susan said...

I find it hard believing that once upon a time you and Frank were not considering having children. Your zany sense of humor, your unique perspective on things, and your youthful perspective will make you guys such awesome parents and you will have such a FUn family life!

If it helps, here in Florida we have 80 degrees and it's sunny too-we ran the Turkey Trot today in tank top and shorts-it was warm. My son poured a bottle of bottled water over his head.

However, I am thankful that i don't have to bundle up and freeze. Happy Franksgiving and what can i bring for Frank? How bout my homemade butternut squash soup, or my homemade rolls that My friend Melinda gave me? :)

Karen said...

We woke up to a white Thanksgiving this morning. It almost made me forget which holiday it was today. My husband would love to live where there's only one season. Me? I love the element(s) of surprise.

Happy Franksgiving to you too

Amy said...

Today I had the winter coat on, the scarf, the hat, the ear muffs, the gloves and the boots. I thought I would sit outside and wait for my ride to arrive...that lasted about 20 seconds and ended when a gust of freezing air hit me...then I scurried back inside. I'd be glad to trade with you for about three months...then we could switch back say sometime around March when things have defrosted. Happy Franksgiving!

Aaron and Julie said...

I agree - having a chill in the air is necessary to feel like 'Thanksgiving'. After eight years, however, we can't imagine living somewhere cold anymore! We are hoping, though, for a white Christmas in Almaty :)

Happy Franksgiving :)

Angela said...

Very sweet post. I doubt I will ever think of Thanksgiving without thinking of "Franksgiving". What a riot! Next year, Frank (and you) will be giving lots of love to your little Habibi.

We have snow here in South Bend, Indiana at my parents' house. I am also from Indiana - but way up north. Small world.

And, finally, Scott plays the "Chicken Butt" game with Luca all the time. Again, small world.

Happy belated Franksgiving!

Jennifer said...

I did post some pictures of the snow we had on Thanksgiving morning, but I don't think that fulfills your fall requirements! :-)

I know what you mean though- I lived in Memphis for 5 years, and Thanksgiving always seemed a little different with leaves still on the trees.

Hope you guys had a great Franksgiving!

AJ said...

Hope you had a Happy Franksgiving. Next year will be a Happy Habibi Thanksgiving - Frank, you'll have to give up the title for a year!

Freezing cold in Chicago,