Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Next Steps

After our “Rock Star Dossier” is processed at the Consulate, it will embark on a grand tour of Kazakhstan. Our vocabulary now includes the following 3-letter acronyms, which stand for all of the next tour stops:

Stop 1: MFA - Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Stop 2: MOE - Ministry of Education (This is where we are assigned to a particular region.)

Stop 3: DOE - Department of Education (The DOE in our region will send us a LOI {Letter of Invitation} with our requested arrival date.)

Of course, the big question still looming is…..WHEN WILL WE GO???

Right now, it's looking like we will most likely travel in March. Late February if we’re really lucky. This is not a guarantee, but is the best estimate by our trusty adoption coordinator, Andrea, who I learned today can simultaneously consult with a client AND manage a child who is intent on giving his own feet a glycolic peel/foot soak with fresh orange juice!

This is a bit later than we hoped, but the word is that we are being slowed down by the holiday season, plus the Consulate is swamped with dossiers right now. The ebb/flow cycle is ebbing. We will have a more accurate estimate as we pass through each step, but all the while remembering that the process can snag or snowball without warning in Kaz. How’s that for being able to plan ahead??? :-)

So we wait, prepare, dream, stay busy and continue to sleep in late on weekends while we can.

On another note --

We celebrated National Adoption Day last Saturday by attending ceremony organized by our home study agency. It was a celebration in a small park with music, testimonials from adoptive parents, poetry, prayer and a candle-lighting ceremony for which we all stood in a circle holding our candles, around a gazebo containing a candelabra that held 3 large candles representing the children, the birthparents, and the adoptive parents. It was very nice. There were many adopted children there, and their sparkling eyes warmed my heart.

I had a slight lump in my throat from the moment we arrived, but I managed to tame any tears. But then, as we said goodbye to the director, she handed me a stuffed Teddy Bear they were giving out to the kids. “For when you bring your little one home,” she said with a kind smile. I was a goner after that. We mistily strolled back to the car through the crunch of leaves, Frank’s hand tenderly placed on my lower back. As he opened the car door for me, I laughed, “Stupid bear. I was fine until she gave me the stupid teddy bear!” We went on to enjoy a lovely dinner at one of our favorite restaurants, where we blissfully imagined ourselves at next year’s event, celebrating from a new perspective, and holding our very own sparkly-eyed child who just might be holding that cute little non-stupid Teddy Bear.

Here we are at dinner, and here is Mr. McTearsy.


Kelly and Sne said...

You know I find myself tearing up to adoption stories that I hear on the radio or read now. It must be the "hormones" associated with impending motherhood!

marsrob said...

Hey you guys!!!!!

We'll be hoping that your dossier moves along so swiftly and gets to where it needs to be fast...

We are so thinking of you and send you the hugest hugs from Semey!

With love,

J & M

Sandi said...

Here is praying the dossier moves along quick and smooth.

I am sure it will move along at the pace it takes for you to meet YOUR child.


Trudi said...

Beautiful story - hold that thought of you and your baby holding their bear. It WILL happen!

Patrick & Eileen said...

Hi Guys,
Wow, it could very well be that we will be going around the same time! It would be great to go to the same region too....time will tell!!

Yes, I spoke with Andrea too about timelines, etc. She's hearing it from everyone :) It was a relief to know that the slow down will be due to upcoming holidays.

What a wonderful ceremony you were able to attend! Sounds like it was beautifully done. Uh, you had me at the bear too....eyes tearing up. Very sweet!

Like you we will wait, dream and prepare for our little one! Exciting isn't it!!


Susan said...

That is a great picture of you two...you are glowing! "Pregancy" sure agrees with you! And, what a wonderful way to celebrate adoption day--I think I would have "lost it" as well.

Regarding the time line, once our I-171H came in, I became much more calmer about the process. I freaked out with the rumor of the law passing that would rule out us adopting from Kaz, but i really relaxed as far as my own timeline in my head. When I started the process, I had asked if we could possibly travel by Christmas. The gals at my agency told me "mAYBE" but you need to be flexible and patient in international adoption.

I got busy with the dossier, but then was delayed by 5 weeks waiting on my I-171H. I guess that was my lesson that this is not MY timeline that we're working off it. I can do my best under what is my control-but a lot of it is NOT! All I know is we're traveling next year, and I don't know when. It's a bit less stressful since we have pretty much decided to do it in 2 trips, but it's hard when you try to make plans. But, we're making plans as usual and we'll just have to adjust. It's so hard to even compare your timeline to someone else's, because they're all different. We just have to know that we'll go when OUR baby is ready for us. And, just knowing that, gives me much peace.

Teresa said...

Regina & Frank,
I am so glad y'all were able to go to the adoption ceremony this past weekend. Denice said she enjoyed meeting both of you. I am sorry I was not able to attend, but my kids had other plans for me - - soon you will find out your life is no longer YOUR life. ;)

I know the non-stupid teddy bear is resting comfortably waiting for his sibling to arrive home from Kaz.

Have a safe and blessed Thanksgiving and next year you will have even more to be thankful for!!

Sam said...

I am eagerly waiting to hear about your dossier's travel thru kazakhstan (and here's hoping that he has no layovers or delays!)
mr mctearsy is too cute!!!! what a nice way to celbrate adoption month.

Happy Turkey day to you! Next year you will have your own little turkey to celebrate with!

Kim said...

What a great picture of you two. I love that sweater.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Anonymous said...

If you are pulling out the tears now for the teddy bear, just wait till you get to Kaz! You are going to explode when you meet your little one and oh they joys of your visits with him/her. The best part of our first adoption was coming "home" to the apartment and looking at the pictures/videos from our visits with Izaak. We cried happy tears every day. I'm so excited for you both!

Yes, enjoy your days of sleeping in. Even if you have a good sleeper like we do, s/he will still wake up earlier than you are used to. But what fun to have a smiling kiddo just calling for mommy and daddy in the morning. It truly is the best alarm clock ever.

Hoping your LOI arrives soon (and ours too, even though we weren't planning to travel in Feb/Mar)!

marsrob said...

Hey Regina & Frank,

Just wanted to say happy Thanksgiving. We are over here in Semey thinking of you and Regina, I wish we could have another one of our 3 hour conversations. I just know it would be so great to talk right now. Oh well. Maybe when we get home - when we ALL get home and have our babies with us - we can chat and chat to our hearts delight.

Anyways, may this Thanksgiving find you both well and please know you are in our thoughts.

Unknown said...

The dossier will get through! I know that we received a letter from our agency explaining a slow down with so many people changing countries. But, many are just starting the Kazakhstan process so you've got to be in just "under the wire"...so to say.

We returned from a wedding in D.C. to find the said letter stating delays. Feeling depressed about a continued wait, I went to my email and found a note that our dossier had made it out of NY and was on its way to Kaz. It will happen when you least expect it!

My thoughts are with you. Do you know what region you'll be traveling to?