Thursday, January 24, 2008

No News Flash

Hello friends! Sorry I have been out of touch, but I recently returned from a long business trip to Dallas, Texas. I missed y'all!

No big news to share yet, but something exciting is that Frank’s co-workers are throwing us a baby shower Thursday evening. It feels so wonderful and weird and cool and awesome and scary and surreal. I'm actually a little nervous.

We’re still waiting to hear our region assignment, and hope to know within the next couple of weeks. It will be super exciting to find out where our child is and in what city our little family will be formed. We still hope to travel around March or April, but there could still be delays. Rumors of delays recently abound in the Kaz adoptive world, but we’re just trying to go with the flow, expect the unexpected and stay flexible.

We’ve been extremely busy with preparations. I’ve started the last bit of paperwork – our Travel Documents. Many of these are “do-overs” to ensure important papers don’t expire during our trip. We’ve also been hustling on many other fronts. We’ve researched/chosen an adoption doctor to consult with while overseas, bought super-warm coats, ordered power converters and surge protectors, created a serious packing list, learned lots more Russian, purchased gifts for orphanage caregivers and liaisons, learned Baby Sign Language, started “while I’m away” lists for work and home, registered at Babies ‘R’ Us, rearranged the nursery, shopped for a glider, tried to figure out where to put all the stuff in the baby’s closet, and tried to keep up with other blogs and newsgroup messages to stay in the loop. With all that plus a gazillion other things not adoption related, time is actually passing pretty quickly!

By the way, Frank wanted to express his thanks for the many thoughtful words and e-mails he received about his January 10th post. It is great to know that sharing his story has encouraged and touched so many others.

Here is the man himself, modeling his brand new, super-warm coat and hat fit for a Siberian spring. He's trying to look Russian, and doing a pretty good job I think. ;-)

Speaking of puffy and grumpy, while I was in Dallas I had a dreadful little bout with food poisoning. The bitter and repeated reunion with my dinner throughout the wee hours of the morning left me feeling so weak and miserable that I had to stay in my hotel room the entire next day. As I lay alone, feebly curled up in the bed, sipping Sprite and dozing through a fever, I didn’t feel sorry for myself so much as I worried like crazy how I could possibly have taken care of a baby at the same time. There was no way! Just lifting the phone took considerable effort.

I’m fortunate to have Frank as my co-pilot, but what if he is out of town? Or also sick? How on earth do single moms do it??? Trying to fathom all of that was far scarier than being up close and personal with the very unfriendly contents of my belly. Everyone says you just find a way because you have to. I’m sure that is the case, but I just I hope that I never have to cross that particular bridge again. The Coconut Shrimp Bridge of Hell!


Amy said...

Glad to hear from you! Sorry to hear about your food poisoning and glad you're better. I can remember having morning sickness when I was pregnant with Hannah and still having to drag myself up to take care of Haley, an active toddler! You will always manage and everyone will survive.

Sounds like you've been super busy with preparations, and it must be so exciting for y'all! Love Frank's new coat - very stylin'.


Nell said...

Oh bummer! I am Frank's colleague but I'm not in SC -- I guess I just found the single worst reason to work in DC!

I've thrown a handful of baby showers, so have a wonderful time and enjoy the loot!

I get sick with asthma attacks fairly often and the thought of having someone to care for when I can barely take care of myself is terrifying! Good thing you have such a great co-pilot! You guys will be great and you'll figure out how to work it when the time comes.

And don't let the spring months fool you - it snowed in Moscow during my late April birthday the year I went there. Bundle up! And where on earth in SC can you buy fur-hooded super warm coats?!?!


Kim said...

Being sick with kids is definitely challenging. I don't know how we do it, we just do I guess. Glad to read you are keeping busy. Its fun to "nest" and your shower will be a blast! I loved mine, it was so much fun to put all the new stuff away.

Angela said...

Welcome back! That photo is the best - he looks very intimidating and grumpy! Sorry to read about your encounter with the shrimp. In my experience, you become superhuman (in some ways) as a parent and forge ahead through any crisis. We also call on freinds and family when we need them, but, honestly, in 4 years of parenting that has not been often. You can do it!

kitzkazventure said...

I love the hat!His expression is very Russian/Kazakh especially if he was a cab driver and you don't know how to explain to him where you need to go! ;)The coat will be great and help especially if you are anywhere north of Almaty. We were there in Feb/March/April and we did not get above 30 (mostly at or below 0)until we went to Almaty for the last part of the trip. Most of the Kazakh men wear black p-coat type coats with these interesting pointy black shoes. My husband had a leather flight jacket looking coat....very heavy to him but the Kazakh and Russian women had a fit once they felt they knew us enough to say that he was NOT warm enough! Hilarious...he hates to be mothered and he had all of these women at court telling him the ropes! He does wish he took his Columbia jacket similar to your husbands but it was bright blue and well, we stuck out enough without that! :) Sounds like you are doing a great job getting things tied I put the "must haves" for travel on the blog a few days ago...FYI :) Karen

Amy said...

Great picture of Frank! Yucko on the shrimp. Hope you are feeling better now. Glad to hear from you too. I think things are picking up Regina and I too am running around like a chicken with my head cut off. Here is to super human strength since I have a feeling we are going to need it even before the little ones come home. This is the practice!

Anonymous said...

Hi Regina, I am so excited for you as you get closer and closer! Enjoy your shower today! I don't know if I had told you that I actually am a Signing instructor with a network called Sign2Me. Both my kids were active signers and we still continue to be a signing family. It's wonderful. I am glad to hear you are feeling better. I recall having morning sickness (a polite way to say retching up my guts over the toilet bowl until my esophogus bled) while my 2 year old chose that moment to jump repeatedly on my back. It is not easy, and I am not necessarily one who agrees that you just make it work ;-) When you are that ill, get sitters or teenage neighbors and also great kids DVDs might give you a few hours rest. (Signing Time are fantastic, by the way My two cents for the day. All the best to you and Frank! Where did he get that hat? Love it!
Best to you!

Anonymous said...

Ah, shellfish - the joy! the peril!

Glad you're feeling better and glad to have you back. We missed you!


Anonymous said...

p.s. I was looking at your "names" list again, did you realize Nicole Richie stole your idea of Harlow? What an unusual ( and beautiful) name - who would have thought she'd take it? ;-)

Susan said...

oh man,I am so sorry you had food poisoning..that stinks! I have never had it, but ugh, it sounds horrible, and especially when you are not at home. I am so sorry!!!
I thought of you guys when we watched the American Idol auditions in Charleston. Where were you??

I Love your hubby's hat and trench coat. I was about to take my new fun Northface boots BACK to Nordrom as I had not heard POOP about when we'd travel, but yesterday we heard...we could travel soon. But what does soon mean. Does soon mean, March? or April? or May?
so, maybe i will hold onto the boots a bit longer. WHO KNOWS.
I was just excited to get some news, as our dossier has been in Kaz for 3 months!
Things are moving again-yay!

Sam said...

glad to hear you are feeling better. and frank looks very russian you will fit right in! you have been busy bees these past few days! congrats on getting so much done!

Dana said...

You likely don't even know that I love love your blog. (I also live in CHarleston and am an FA-er.) I used the IA clinic at MUSC when my boys came home in 2005. Andrea LaRosa is brilliant, but I have feedback if you want it. charlietownmama at yahoo. We should chat anyway because I can tell how utterly fun and cool you are, and oh, right.... so am I :-)

Gretchen said...

It does stink if you are sick. That's the day you don't mind if they watch videos all day and be glad you baby proofed. I have had a couple of days with migraines and that what I did. I only got up to feed and change diapers. Serik would hang out with his toys on the floor and I spent that day on the couch. It's not an ideal situation but sometimes you have to make do. :)

Glad you are feeling better and getting so much done. The dreaded packing list! How I stressed over that. I can't wait until you travel!

Thad and Ann said...

On the days you are sick, the TV becomes your best friend & your kids babysitter. You just pretend you never heard about how much TV a kid should watch, LOL. I haven't been sick very much so when I am I don't feel bad that their brains rot for 1 day. ;)
I'm glad you are feeling better. yup, Frank has that scowl down pat, have him put that "game face" on when you are shopping, you won't have to barter much. LOL

Kelly and Sne said...

Glad you're back. You know I had some food poisoning as well and am still getting over it. I had the same thoughts but seem to get up and walk the doggies in spite of the illness so I'm sure that you'll find the strength to get up and do what needs to be done. I also had thoughts of "yuck, I really don't want to be sick in Kaz". In reality things seem to be moving fast enough so I think you'll get your region soon.

Karen said...

having been through shrimp hell myself, i can say that was the worst food poisoning i've ever experienced—woo, nelly.

i agree, frank makes a very good russian kazak. i could use that hat here in minnesota right now. brrrrrrrr......

Matthew Ruley said...

Hope you're feeling all better!

I understand. I used to get a lot of IBS, and I would wonder, how do I deal with this and a child? Luckily I've not had it in a while. You guys will be fine - you could ask the same thing about a career like performing, where you have to be "on". But somehow, things work out.

Frank looks very handsome in his coat!

marsrob said...

My parents are visiting Aila this weekend from LA, but I took a few minutes to catch up...and I just read Frank's post and wept. THANK YOU for sharing that, Frank.

And I am glad you are feeling better Regina. You are both in our hearts all of the time.


Gretchen said...

You've been tagged! check out my blog for details. :)