Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Just a note to let everyone know I've made the blog public again. You no longer need to be "invited" or to log in to read it.

You still must log in to post a comment, and for those people using the KazBlogReader shared account, you can now use your own!


Amy said...

Wooohoooo you are coming home!!!! Skip what the doc said - she probably doesn't have any children and has never taken a trek half way across the world with a rambunctious toddler. Get enough sleep for yourself before you leave....i guess the stroller isn't yours but it would have helped me to have one in the airport because after the first flight Karina wouldn't walk in the airport and trying to push the luggage cart, which doesn't allow or have space for children, and drag her along with me through the airport was quite the challenge. I used the airplane bathrooms when it got really bad and Karina was going ballistic just to have a break and give my fellow passengers a break. I guess I wish I would have drank more or at all during the flight. LOL. Hopefully yours will go smoothly - just try and keep your cool, realize that it will all come to an end at some point, accept any help strangers are willing to offer. Once home you can end your experiment with single parenting and hand Milo off to Frank while you pass out.

Happy said...

Welcome back to the land of the free--figuratively, of course. It's great that you are comfortable letting everyone back in. The journey has been truly remarkable for all who followed your progress. And you only keep getting better as a parent. Dose that boy all you need to (without overdosing, of course). Do what it take to get the two of you home safely and with the least amount of stress for both of you. Does he like to color? Can you make paper airplane with him? Maybe the stewardess will let him go to the cockpit. That would be ultra cool. I so wish I would still be there to welcome you back at the airport, but we leave Charleston on Sunday. I'll be there in spirit. Happy