Charleston was in full bloom for a beautiful Easter season. We enjoyed coloring eggs, attending 2 egg hunts and exciting visits from 2 other Kazakhstan adoptive families we know through blogland. More on that below. Milo had lots of fun, despite being under the weather and occasionally becoming Mr. McMoodypants. Thankfully he is back to his old self and actually seems even sweeter than before.
I took a million photos during the past week. On with the show!
Oh how I love this boy.
Stylin' and profilin'

Headed to the Easter egg hunt/picnic organized
by the local adoption agency that did our homestudy.
A Chosen Child)

Asking daddy for a hand up. Soon he will be asking for a twenty.

Like something right out of The Little Rascals

He wears pink well. (So does his daddy.)

I can't decide whether to cut his hair or let it
grow out into a shaggy surfer look for the summer.
In the background you can see a part of the huge playset that
daddy and friends worked hard on putting together this weekend.
It's almost coming soon!

Enjoying the fragrance of his first hyacinth,
mommy's favorite spring flower.

Pulling his beloved Radio Flyer

Simply scrumptious!

He loves to jump off of any elevated surface
he can find, no matter how slight the elevation.

He loves his dinosaur tent.

But he would never try to destroy it.

Or would he???
Our first visit from a fellow adoptive family was from Kristi & Mieke (
Mee-cah), who have been home from Kaz about a year. Kristi is such a neat person who works as an expatriat for the US government. She will soon move to Uzbekistan for a 2-year tour working for the State Department. She will be in familiar terrority since this country is just south of Kazakhstan. Kristi and Mieke stopped by on their way to Florida to visit family. We spent a few minutes at home and then were off to enjoy a great morning at the
Middleton Place Plantation Easter Egg Hunt. It was a positively picturesque day, and the kids were so stinkin' cute together.

Milo and Mieke making beautiful music.

Heart and Soul

Little Monkeys

A great day for a picnic

Carrots for the Easter Bunny

What a gentleman

I didn't get a good photo of Kristi, so here is
one I copied from her blog. Aren't they darling?
The second family to visit us was the Ruley family, who stopped by for lunch on their way home to Florida from a wedding. Andrey and Alyona (Alone-Ah) were adopted about a year ago and are siblings. They are absolutely adorable and loads of fun! Matthew and Suzanne are such nice, interesting and multi-talented people. They are musicians and vocalists too, so we have lots in common.

The Lovely Ruley Family

Alyona, Milo and Andrey became fast friends.

Alyona was such a nurturing sweetie.

Milo "helping" Alyona on roller skates.
I'm not sure how much help he was!

Cute Andrey loved playing with Milo's toys.
They share a passion for cars, trains and such.
(The stackable toy bins are from the Land of Nod,
and are one of our favorite purchases.)

I love this photo of Matthew and Suzanne.

The two diva mamas

Frank and Suzanne chatting after lunch
We always love meeting fellow Kaz families in person. There is a special bond that is shared by this close-knit group of people. We have followed each other's journeys and continued to stayed in touch through the months/years since our adoptions were complete. I am ever grateful for the love and support we have received from them. Their encouragement, advice and compassion are priceless to me, and I feel as close to many of them as I do with my longtime friends.
It's remarkable to watch these beautiful children grow up and see how well they do once they have loving families to call their own. We look forward to seeing many more of them in person at Kazapalooza this year!
Much love,
Regina, Frank and Milo
Milo always looks so happy. He makes me smile. :)The pictures of Milo and the other Kazakids are so sweet! I can't wait to meet y'all and other families at Kazapalooza!
What a great post filled with lots of wonderful pictures! Milo is growing up so fast. He looks like a little boy instead of a toddler now. Especially in that adorable outfit, oh my gosh! :-)
Glad you were able to spend some time and have fun with other Kaz families. It's so awesome to have this bond.
Milo's Easter outfit is so cute. I love the hat and he does wear pink well. :)
What a great time hanging out with other Kaz families. I can't wait to see you at KP. It's going to be crazy this year. Over 60 families!!!
Glad Milo is feeling better. He is DARLING. Those Easter outfits are SO CUTE on him! And thanks for sharing about your visits with two wonderful Kaz families! How COOL! xoxoxo
What a great blog! You're right - full of pics and Easter goodies. :) I can't wait to get together next week. Love ya!
Looks like great fun! The pictures are great! Can't wait to see you in a few weeks.
Amen. Kazblog families are the best. I'm SO sad we had to cancel Kazapalooza this year. Fingers crossed for next year.
It was wonderful to read/see all the connections. Milo is such a sweetie—love his Easter outfit. He's obviously thriving with you. Great job mama!!!!
Oh my! He is cuteness personified! That hat is priceless! He is just radiant in both those outfits. Looks like you had a blast with both families...The 3 Kazakh Karens are going away for the weekend and we are so are so right about the bond! Glad to hear that you will make it to Kazapalooza! Looking forward to meeting you all! Did I tell you Nick has been wearing a patch for his weak eye...hoping it helps whatever? He had not improved on the eye chart over 2 visits so they decided to try this.....he is not thrilled about it but being a trouper....we are hoping that he doesn't have it at KP! He thinks people will laugh at him when he wears it out....makes me sad but we just tell him that they think he is a really super cool pirate! :) Great pictures and update!
loooove his hat, his pink shirt, and his plaid shorts. He is darling!!!
I could not get a good pic of Leeza and Mieke..they were both running. darn it!
We loved meeting them too.
we have met so many great peeps-can't wait to meet you guys in the "flesh"
I love to see an update and Milo is just so adorable and he looks like he couldn't get any sweeter! I'd let the hair go long for the summer. Try it this year and if you don't like it, cut it. I like longer hair on boys and men too.
That's great that you meet up with Kaz families. Not many around here in NJ so I'm really looking forward to Kazapalooza!
I LOVE the Easter picnic idea. It sounds like it must have been fun!
As I read this I am struck by how fortunate we are to have our beautiful children and each other.
Love Milo in his newsboy hat. So cute!
I vote for letting Milo's hair grow. I sooooo love little boys with long hair.
Those are the cutest Easter pics!! And I just love boys who wear pink!
He does wear pink well! Who said boys clothes couldn't be cute?! Great pictures, thanks for sharing...
I'm so jealous of your wonderful spring weather! We had 16 inches of snow on Saturday! Precious photos from Easter. How dapper Milo was in his Easter outfit -- just darling.
So glad you were able to meet up with a couple of other Kaz-kid families. Thanks for sharing the fun!
Seriously, Milo is the most stlyin' little boy! OMGosh, I love his style (or should I say his mamas) but it seems to suit him perfectly!
I always love meeting fellow Kaz families in person. How lucky that you got to meet two back to back.
What a fantastic update!! Milo has grown so tall and is utterly adorable. I love the captures from your life as well as the important information to impart to those of us still waiting. I am amazed by the wonderful support network you have and that you have ample opportunity to connect in person with these friends. Your story continues you to give me much hope as we near the finish line of dossier completion which, I know will be timed perfectly so we willmeet up with the little one meant for us and we for him.
Thanks Regina for great blogging!
Steph who also hopes one day to have a photo of us on your couch in 2010 ;-)
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